Philly Escapade Retreat!

Because of the storm in August that was expected to cause flooding, this retreat was moved to a new weekend: Friday -Sunday, October 18-20, 2024!
Immerse yourself in a weekend of creativity, relaxation, and camaraderie. Cynthia Spencer and Valerie Reed will lead you through mystery cowl that will be exclusive to this retreat for at least 3 months. We'll also give classes on understanding color and on Portuguese knitting.
We'll have small tutorials that apply to the cowl. And we'll have magnificent meals! AND we'll be right next door to some pretty cool places, such as the King of Prussia mall.
Signup is nonrefundable, unless we cancel. We recommend getting trip insurance for your comfort. We need a headcount by October 8 for the restaurants, so please sign up by then. The price includes everything except supplies and lodging! Get the earlybird discount until October 1! After that, the price will be $449.00.
To book at the Embassy Suites with discounted rates:
CODE: 928
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